Cleaning your Diamonds

Hand lotions, hair styling products and everyday grime all leave enough of a film on your diamond ring to keep it from looking its best. If you wait too long between cleanings, those materials can accumulate into a thick layer of gunk on the back of your diamond, blocking light and making the diamond appear dull and lifeless.
Diamonds are the hardest substance known, but that doesn't mean we can bring them back to life with any old cleanser.
Coatings and other materials used to enhance diamonds can sometimes be removed by harsh chemicals or vigorous scrubbing, so take care when it's time to make your diamond ring sparkle.
Gentle & Effective Ways to Clean Diamond Rings
- Soak your diamond ring in a warm solution of mild liquid detergent and water. Lemon fairy liquid is a good choice, but any other mild detergent is fine.
- Use a soft brush or toothbrush if necessary to remove dirt. Soft is the key -- don't use a brush with bristles that are stiff enough to scratch the ring's metal setting.
- Swish the ring around in the solution, and then rinse it thoroughly in warm water. Close the drain first, or put the ring in a strainer to keep from losing it!
- Dry the diamond ring with a lint-free cloth.
- If the diamond and setting needs extra help, use a dental Water Pik to flush away small bits of grime. You can also use a wooden toothpick to very carefully push dirt away from the diamond and setting.
You can also pop any item of jewellery into our shop for us to clean for you.
We charge as little as £3 for this service and you can even wait in store while we clean your item for you.
Pledge Jewellers